Monday, January 25, 2010

#9 - Fruit Cocktail

I promised I'd make something over the week-end, and I did! I'm just getting around to writing about it now, on Monday, but I do believe I held up my end of the bargain. I made Fruit Cocktail on Saturday.

Of course I didn't really make fruit cocktail. As you may suspect, I simply followed Janet MacNab's instructions and opened a pre-made can. No name brand, even. Which also tastes like my childhood.

It was of course more complicated than simply opening a can. I had to first spread cream cheese onto the rice cake, and I topped it all off with whipped cream. (The fruit cocktail went in the middle.)

Of all the recipes in the cookbook, this is the only one I had actually made before. When I first got this cookbook I talked about it all the time; at work, on the phone, and especially on the internet. I posted the as yet untried recipes on facebook and on a messageboard called halifaxlocals. And because I'd been so enthusiastic about these recipes online, I felt it was only right that a ricecake recipe be my contribution to a potluck I was attending with people who I mostly just knew through halifaxlocals. The recipe went over well then, and it was lovely on Saturday afternoon as well. My only real complaint is that the ricecake got a bit soggy. But what can you do? At least it didn't get a bit microwaved.

The most complicated part was the whipped cream. I couldn't find any of the canned kind when I was grocery shopping, and I was in a bit of a hurry, so I grabbed the kind you have to whip yourself. My fork wasn't working very well, so I had to resort to using the only food processor-like thing in my kitchen - my recently acquired Margarita Oasis. My friends Larry and Amy recently moved to England, and couldn't take it with them, and as sad as I was to see them go, I was really super happy to end up with this enormous and useful contraption. Interestingly, I actually met Larry and Amy at the aforementioned potluck! (I used the kind of whipped cream that comes in a can on that occasion.)

I guess this one was a success. Again.


  1. I thought I recognized that lovely green machine!! I'm glad it's being put to good use! This is a great recipe by the way and I remember our first conversation about you starting a blog using this cookbook :)

  2. Amy, I miss you, too! It's no substitute for you and Larry, but the Margarita Oasis does make a mean smoothie!
