Tuesday, January 26, 2010

#10 - Peanut Butter Twist

I wasn't going to make anything this evening, but I felt like a snack and it's the day before grocery day, so there isn't a lot of food in my house. I sure do have ricecakes, though.

I feel a little bad about making this one, because I really wanted the next couple of recipes to be more complicated. I've been making some pretty easy ricecake recipes lately. And I wanted to make something sort of healthy, too. Anyway, I guess the next couple of recipes after this one will be healthier and more complicated.

So this one's pretty basic. Spread peanut butter on a ricecake. And the twist is just honey. I'm sorry if you were anticipating mussels or marshmallow fluff or vegit. Nope, just plain old tasty, goes-well-with-peanut butter honey. But because it's true that this wasn't much of a "twist," at least to my mind, I added my own twist too. I DID NOT "HEAT IN MICROWAVE FOR 20-25 SECONDS ON HI." I just ate it raw.

I didn't take a picture this time. I'm sure you can imagine what this looks like. I enjoyed it. I think I even prefer peanut butter on ricecakes to peanut butter sandwiches, except for when they're toasted. Toast wins every time (it's competing against untoasted bread and ricecakes).

Best of all, I made it to number ten! I was really committed to getting through at least ten recipes this month, and I have indeed made my quota!

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